I was unable to get a good title due to the lack of good working prime factors for the letters in Fiction, Fake, Crap, Faked, and Opinion. I even tried using letters with symbols, replacing Is with !s and Ts with +s, but nothing came out. The best I got was fic = C, Ti = Y and oN = nothing, which starts the puzzle off with CY. Unfortunately N is not a prime ASCII letter, so CYAN couldn't work.

I then decided to just use C. The only prime ASCII letters are:
67 - C
71 - G
73 - I
79 - O
83 - S
89 - Y
97 - a
101 - e
103 - g
107 - k
109 - m
113 - q
Which, fitting the puzzle, COGS were all prime ASCII letters. However, I ended up finding a better, less guessable answer, using COMMA ASCII to get fortyfour, because there are two each of FOR and one each of TYU, fitting the picture very well.

I thought OMMA ASCII was too easy to deduce the missing C without going through the title, so I scrambled them - this made the puzzle a lot more difficult than intended!