Welcome to the Dan Tijerina Test!

DTT Top Ten
1 yusaku 81
2 drfilled 81
3 jyokota 68
4 giovannip 68
5 dowian2 62
6 phenomist 59
7 Athey97 59
8 epicality999 59
9 jatekos101 59
10 katzelmacher 59

Inside the Dan Tijerina Test, you will find a plethora of fun yet challenging puzzles and riddles. Making it through this test will require you to have skills in an amalgamation of subjects such as math, English, pop culture, and more. The puzzles in this test are completely original and created by me.


Reminder: all level answers will not contain spaces or capital letters.

Player Quotes

"...i must say dan's levels are amazing so far ..... cuz i get an idea ..... and it always works ..... unlike the TTT..." - Tim T., Canada

"The DTT is the most muffintaining experience of my entire life." - Doug A., US

"The DTT is so hard that whoever passed L first must be really freaking amazing." - Chelsea C., US

"The DTT is so hard that whoever finished it first must be really freaking amazing." - Doug A., US

"Idon't even knwo atwh tto say about the DTT, it's just so ridic." - Joe L., US

"The DTT is so hard that whoever created LVI must have listed 'lighting ants on fire with a magnifying glass' as one of his or her extracurricular activities on his or her college application form." - Daniel L., US

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All Rights Reserved